
FAQs for ITRP Pre-Qualified Members

FAQ Index


    The frequently asked questions (FAQs) provided below highlight topics and specific questions that ITRP IFB Pre-Qualified members often ask DoIT. To contact DoIT Procurement directly please email us at .


    Will ITRP Members be separately notified of an ITRP IFB publication?

    No. ITRP IFB postings will be published in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin (IPB) like all other solicitations. To easily find ITRP IFBs, at the top of the page, under “Sort by”, select Category. Then, under Category,select “ITRP” for a list of all ITRP IFB procurements.

    How will vendors know that and IFB is an ITRP IFB?

    When publishing an ITRP IFB in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin, the title will start with “ITRP”. Additionally, in the IPB, to easily sort for ITRP IFBs, at the top of the page under “Sort by” select IT Telecom. Under IT Telecom select “ITRP” for a list of all ITRP IFB procurements.

    Can an ITRP IFB vendor be precluded from bidding on a larger project that grows out of an IT pilot for which they were the chosen vendor?

    It depends. Per 30 ILCS 500/50.10.5[e] of the Procurement Code, there is a possibility that a vendor will not be able to bid on future solicitations in certain circumstances. These circumstances can include a prohibition on future bids if the vendor helps develop or write IT specifications for a larger pilot roll-out. If vendors participating in a pilot are following specifications laid out by the State, there is less of a likelihood that they will be precluded from bidding on a full roll-out. If, however, the vendor is designing a prototype, chances of a future prohibition from bidding on a larger solicitation are higher.

    During the ITRP IFB bidding process, are ITRP Members required to submit all the standard procurement forms?

    Yes. To satisfy the responsiveness criteria, a bidder must provide all required forms. This information will be spelled out in each ITRP IFB document.

    If an ITRP IFB requests resources for 3 of the 6 IT Skill Categories, does an ITRP Member have to be pre-qualified in all 3 categories to bid on the project?


    Are ITRP IFB subcontractors required to be ITRP pre-qualified Members?

    No, only the vendor with whom the State is contracting is required to be an ITRP pre- qualified Member.

    If a bidder has concerns with the State’s estimates for positions, number of resources, or project hours, can bidders provide multiple service options when responding to an ITRP IFB?

    The lowest, most responsive, responsible bidder will be selected. If a bidder provides multiple service options, their lowest service option must be responsive and responsible for the project requested.

    Can bidders submit resumes for international resources?

    Yes. The State requires all Members to provide evidence of their resources’ ability to work in the U.S. if the ITRP IFB requires them to work stateside.

    Member Selection

    In determining an award, what are the qualifications the State considers?

    The State will award the bid to the lowest cost responsive and responsible bidder. Generally, “responsive” means a bidder who submits a bid that conforms in all material respects to the IFB; and “responsible” means a bidder who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements and who has the integrity and reliability that will assure good faith performance.


    Are terms and conditions contract items negotiable with every ITRP IFB project bid?

    No. As the ITRP IFB Members eligible to bid on a particular IFB have already signed a terms and condition contract with the State, those terms are non-negotiable. The ITRP IFB contract will include specific project requirements including scope, milestones and deliverable and payment.

    If a specific candidate for which a Member submits a resume becomes unavailable, can Members submit an alternate candidate?

    Yes, but the alternate candidate should have the same or better qualifications than the candidate they are replacing. It is our hope that the ITRP IFB process will reduce procurement time in such a way that bidders have a better chance of holding on to their original resources until award notification and contract implementation.


    Does status as a Pre-Qualified Member shorten the procurement process?

    Yes, but only for ITRP IFB procurements. The goal of this new procurement tool is to substantially reduce the amount of time it takes to issue IFBs, review bids, and enter into resulting contracts.

    What is the estimated turnaround time for the ITRP IFB selection process?

    As this is a new procurement tool, we do not have a fair estimate at this point. However, our hope is this new process significantly reduces the standard RFP or IFB procurement processing time.

    How will Project Management be handled for these projects at the State?

    This will be project specific. If the State is requesting a Project Manager resource, these positions will be requested in the ITRP IFB; otherwise, project management will be provided by the State.

    Will ITRP vendors be competing with “Master Contract” vendors for ITRP projects?

    With the creation of the Department of Innovation and Technology, we are anticipating that our new IT Governance process will allow us to avoid this duplication of effort.

    How will data security and additional background checks be handled?

    This will be specific to the ITRP IFB project and the data sets involved. However, if a project requires a resource to work with legally protected data, such as HIPPA, Federal Tax or Criminal Justice information, the ITRP IFB will specify this, and resources will be required to undergo all necessary background checks to access this data.

    Can constitutional officers utilize the ITRP IFB process?

    Constitutional officers would have the same ability to use these contracts as any other statewide master contract. However, the process they use may be different than that established for state agencies in our ITRP Procurement Guidelines.