Program Background

Summary of Executive Order

On January 25, 2016, Governor Rauner issued Executive Order 01-16 establishing the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), a new state agency with responsibility for the information technology functions of agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor.

DoIT’s mission is to empower the State of Illinois through high-value, customer-centric technology by delivering best-in-class innovation to client agencies fostering collaboration and empowering employees to provide better services to residents, businesses, and visitors.

The Case for Change

While the State of Illinois devotes resources to its information technology, it does not always benefit from the investment—the State is considered among the bottom quartile of states nationally in digitization and other metrics of technological advancement.

IT staff are currently siloed within their agencies, with limited ability to leverage the community of IT professionals throughout the state, benefit from lessons learned, or collaborate on new solutions. There is a strong need for shared resources and statewide assets and tools.

The rapid pace of technological change, increasing threats to data security and the growing complexity of technology procurement, argues for a singular, dedicated source of authority and expertise. This change will lead to better security and data protection, fewer redundant systems, more efficient technology spending, and better ideas through greater interagency cooperation.

IT Transformation Timeline

The IT Transformation is occurring over a series of stages, beginning with the Executive Order and culminating in improved and innovative IT service delivery.

Transformation timeline graphic
Differences from 2003 IT Consolidation

  • IT Leadership, Independent of CMS: The 2003 effort was led by CMS, which as noted above is responsible for many other administrative functions. The 2016 effort is being led by a technology team with a history of successfully integrating complex IT systems in the public and private sectors, including at the City of Chicago.
  • Full (Not Partial) Consolidation: The 2003 effort consolidated IT functions at only 26 agencies, and focused only on hardware and network services. Consequently, most IT personnel, applications, and data continue to be managed by agencies. The 2016 effort will consolidate all functions (infrastructure, systems, applications, data, and personnel) at all agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction.
  • Focus on Modernization: In addition to driving efficiency, the 2016 effort is focused on modernizing systems and service delivery, in order to demonstrate value to agencies, State employees, taxpayers, residents, businesses, and consumers of State services.
  • Service, Transparency, and Accountability: The DoIT leadership team is committed to partnering with agencies to establish technology priorities, to provide agencies with transparency in cost accounting, and to hold itself accountable for service delivery.
  • Fair Chargebacks: Some agencies and other stakeholders believe CMS overcharged for services following the 2003 consolidation. DoIT will avoid "double-billing" by clearly delineating recoverable and non-recoverable costs and by providing greater input and transparency to agencies. DoIT will also work to drive down costs through enterprise systems and pass those savings on to client agencies.