
DES Director Jeff Mays Shares on Embracing Collaboration for Digital Progress

Department of Employment Security Through the Lens series logo

One of the many roles of the Illinois Department of Employment Security (DES) is the collection of unemployment insurance taxes for Illinois businesses. This process has historically been a laborious and paper intensive system and until recently, operated on technology that dated back to the 1990's.

When exploring options for a more automated system to run this important revenue stream for the state, DES realized that the Department of Revenue already had a system in place that could also achieve their goals with minimal customizations. Multi-agency initiatives such as this one are possible because of the digital transformation underway in Illinois. With an enterprise approach to technology, opportunities for collaboration and improved efficiencies are being recognized with increasing frequency.

As stated by DES Director Jeff Mays, "It's about the touches with the people these agencies serve. This turnaround really is happening and it's an honor to be part of this group."

Watch more from Director Mays here.

Video Series - Through Agency Lens: Department of Employment Security