
DCFS Director BJ Walker on Using Technology to Improve Care Delivery

Through the lens series image with DCFS logo embedded on it

Series: Digital Transformation in Illinois: Through the Agency Lens

Bringing mobility to case workers at the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) is not an added feature, it is a necessity for them to perform their jobs of protecting our state's most vulnerable children.

A mobility pilot program was launched at DCFS in January of 2016 and has rapidly expanded since that time. The system is deployed to front line investigators, caseworkers and supervisors and brings the ability to upload photos and case information in real time, as well as being able to retrieve pertinent case information.

DCFS Director BJ Walker recently shared on the importance of mobility at DCFS, "Our business is really in the streets. Our business is not in a cubicle somewhere, it's not in an office somewhere, it's not even in a computer somewhere. It's walking up and down the streets of the towns and cities and rural byways of Illinois and trying to serve as first responders and setting up emergency response situations for families."

Watch more from Director Walker here.
Video Series - Through Agency Lens: Department of Children & Family Services